Flinn Foundation - Buffmire Lecture

DuVal Auditorium | Banner - University Medical Center Tucson
1501 N. Campbell Avenue

Holding Government and Industry Accountable in the Development of Food Policy:  The Role of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
This talk will discuss tactics utilized by CSPI to advance four public health initiatives including trans-fat, sodium and opioid withdrawal supplements

Please RSVP: https://medicine.arizona.edu/webform/buffmire-lecture

Peter Lurie, MD, MPH is President of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.  Previously, Lurie was the Associate Commissioner for Public Health Strategy and Analysis at the Food and Drug Administration, where he worked on antimicrobial resistance, transparency, caffeinated beverages, arsenic in rice, fish consumption by pregnant and nursing women, expanded access to investigational drugs, and prescription drug abuse.  Prior to that, he was Deputy Director of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, where he addressed drug and device issues, coauthored the organization’s Worst Pills, Best Pills consumer guide to medications, and led efforts to reduce worker exposure to hexavalent chromium and beryllium.  Earlier, as a faculty member at the University of California, San Francisco and the University of Michigan, he studied needle exchange programs, ethical aspects of mother-to-infant HIV transmission studies, and other HIV policy issues domestically and abroad.  

The Flinn Foundation Buffmire Lecture is a series launched in 1997 for the University of Arizona’s two Colleges of Medicine to feature national experts well-versed in the changing practice of medical care and research. The lectures, now presented each fall and spring on the campuses of UA’s two medical schools, are designed to connect Arizona’s academic, practice, and research medical communities. The Flinn Foundation thanks the Colleges of Medicine—both Phoenix and Tucson—which coordinate and host the lectures.

The lecture series is named for Donald K. Buffmire, M.D., an internal-medicine and cardiology specialist who was a longtime leader in Arizona’s medical and philanthropic communities. A protégé of Robert S. Flinn, M.D., Don was appointed to the Flinn Foundation board of directors soon after its establishment in 1965. His board service, including 14 years as chair, continued until 2001, and he remained an emeritus board member until his death in 2008.

The Flinn Foundation, a privately endowed, philanthropic grantmaking organization, works in four areas to fulfill its mission: to improve the quality of life in Arizona, to benefit future generations. The Foundation’s primary focus is advancing Arizona’s bioscience sector; it also operates the Flinn Scholars Program and the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership, and supports the state’s arts and culture sector. The Flinn Foundation Conference Center is available at no cost to Arizona nonprofit organizations serving in the Foundation’s fields of interest.

Event Date: 
Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 12:00pm
Event Type: