
Eureka! Recognizing when Research Gives Rise to Invention

A Panel Discussion with Innovative Researchers of the College of Medicine – Tucson and Tech Launch Arizona 
As a UA faculty member, researcher or graduate student, you develop new ways of solving problems every day. But how do you know when your idea or research could give rise to an invention? It’s not as obvious as you think. 

At this one-hour panel discussion and lunch, we’ll talk with three accomplished UA researchers/ inventors/entrepreneurs who are working with Tech Launch Arizona to protect and commercialize inventions stemming from their research:

Pursuit of the Patent: Positioning Research for Protection and Impact

Lunch and discussion with IP Attorney Edmund Pfleger and TLA Licensing Manager Bob Sleeper 

It’s great to have a patent with your name on it. Successfully protecting your invention with a patent can be challenging, but early planning and positioning of your research can smooth the process. Understanding some simple tips and tricks can help you properly protect your devices, materials and software methods. 

TLA 101: Pathways to Impact

Identifying important discoveries. Protecting and licensing inventions. Creating startup companies. Maximizing impact from the results of research.

How does it all happen?

In this luncheon and discussion led by Tech Launch Arizona, we’ll discuss the process of identifying inventions and how TLA helps bring them to the world through commercial pathways. 

We’ll answer questions about all aspects of Tech Launch Arizona, including:

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